Run The Race of Life To Win
We get it. The challenges and pressures that come with living in a fast-paced, always-on world can be exhausting and easily get us off track. That's why we're excited tell you about this FREE 3-day event with Apostle and Pastor Dr. David Philemon, where you can encounter God in a very real way! For over 25 years Apostle David's ministry has been marked by clear teaching, miracle healings and deliverance! Come and see for yourself the power of prayer, faith and worship!

Dr. David Philemon
About Apostle David
Dr. David Philemon, the presiding Apostle of Church on Fire
International (COFI) - a multicultural, multinational, and fast-growing ministry located in Cicero, Illinois, also known as the "MegaAltar" and the "Home of Supernatural Interventions". Dr. Philemon is also the founder of David Philemon Ministries International (DPMI), a non-profit humanitarian movement that hosts international speaking engagements, leadership trainings, mentoring sessions and engages in aggressive church planting around the world.
After a life-changing experience where he was converted and saved by the Lord Jesus Christ in August 1995 following a gang fight, Dr.David had an encounter with the Lord in which he received a clear vision and mandate to wipe away tears from the faces of all mankind and bring humanity into God’s fullness for their lives through the teaching and preaching of God’s undiluted word and the demonstration of His ultimate power.
With well over 25 years in ministry, Dr. Philemon carries a strong Apostolic, Prophetic and Revival fire anointing with tangible miracles, signs, and wonders, spreading rapidly throughout North, South, and Central America in fulfillment of God’s direct revelation to him and prophetic word spoken over his life.
In 2006, Dr. Philemon followed the leadings of God and relocated from Nigeria to Illinois, USA, where he established the headquarters of his ministry, first in Chicago and now located in Cicero. He has an earned Ph.D from Oral Roberts University and has traveled to over 50 countries as a multifaceted, highly sought-after inspirational speaker,
entrepreneur, and mentor to thousands of pastors and leaders.
Dr. David Philemon is a doting husband and loving father of three.

Tired of fighting the same battles in life? We got you!
Learn how to FIGHT TO WIN!
You know that in a race all the runners run, but only one runner gets the prize. So run like that. Run to win! All who compete in the games use strict training. They do this so that they can win a prize—one that doesn’t last. But our prize is one that will last forever. So I run like someone who has a goal. I fight like a boxer who is hitting something, not just the air. It is my own body I fight to make it do what I want. I do this so that I won’t miss getting the prize myself after telling others about it.
-1 Corinthians 9:24 - 27